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Creating a router

To create a router, we use the “php artisan make:module:route ModuleName routerName” command.

php artisan make:module:route blog web

This will create a router in the path modules/blog/routes/web.php.

After creating the router file, we need to call the created file in the desired module’s ServiceProvider.php

If the name of the router is web, we place the following code in ServiceProvider.php

If the withNameSpace parameter is true By default, the routers that are created derive the namespace related to their module


Name Type Rules Default
withNameSpace boolean nullable false

     * Bootstrap the module services.
     * @return void
    public function boot()

        // Or


If the name of the router is api, we place the following code in ServiceProvider.php


Name Type Rules Default
withNameSpace boolean nullable false

     * Bootstrap the module services.
     * @return void
    public function boot()
        // Or

If the name of the router is not api or web, we put the following code in ServiceProvider.php


Name Type Rules Default
routerFileName string required null
prefix string nullable ’’
middleware string nullable ’’
withNameSpace boolean nullable false

     * Bootstrap the module services.
     * @return void
    public function boot()
        $this->registerCustomRoute($routerFileName , $prefix , $middleware , $withNameSpace);